Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas !!!

May this holiday season sparkle and shine. May all your wishes and dreams come true and may you feel this happiness all year round.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Saurav Scored Overall 7 bands !!

Here is his result !! Overall 7.0 with not less than 6.0 in any module ! Hope this result will galvanize you to take more bands students !! Work hard and keep determination towards your target

Monday, December 15, 2014

Listening tips for MCQs

IELTS Listening TIPS for MCQ: 
TIP 1: Sometimes in a multiple-choice question you have to complete half a sentence with one of the options. If you change the first half sentence into a question it's easier to choose the right answer.
TIP 2: Don't choose an option just because you hear a word from it. Think about the whole meaning of what is said.
TIP 3: You will hear some reference to all the options in the list, but some of them will not be an appropriate answer to the question.

Listen to everything the speaker says before you choose the answer, in order to be sure that you are selecting the correct options!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Reading Tips

Make the most of your Reading test:
  • look out for the title, headings and any special features such as capital letters, underlining, italics, figures, graphs and tables
  • make sure that you understand the questions and follow instructions carefully
  • pay attention to timing; do not spend too long on one passage or question
  • do not try and read every word; remember, you are reading for a purpose
  • if you do not know the answer to a question, attempt it but do not waste time; move quickly onto the next one
  • do not panic if you do not know anything about the subject of the text; all the answers can be found in the text
  • the word(s) you use must be taken from the Reading text; you must not change the form of the word(s) in the text
  • do not worry if there is a word that you do not understand – you may not need to use it
  • check your spelling
  • be careful to use singular and plural correctly
  • focus precisely on what you are asked to do in ‘completion’ type questions
  • if the question asks you to complete the note ‘in the…’ and the correct answer is ‘evening’, just use ‘evening’ as your answer; note that ‘in the evening’ would be incorrect
  • pay attention to the word limit; for example, if you are asked to complete a sentence using no more than two words, if the correct answer is ‘silk shirt’, the answer ‘shirt made of silk’ would be incorrect
  • attempt all questions; there are no penalties for incorrect answers, so you have nothing to lose
  • check your answers